Corruption in South Africa

  Corruption puts South Africa in peril   When corruption becomes endemic, it is not just isolated individuals or parts of the economy that are undermined, but the rules of the game are changed possibly irreversibly. This can have far-reaching consequences  The body politic ails grievously as a result.  Corruption …

UK security outside the EU

In our age of insecurity, and threat, it is easy to make the assumption that security interests trump all. But is it so simple? The status of the UK’s relationship to Europol and to other European police and intelligence agencies remains uncertain as the date for departure from the European …

Terrorism update

Very interesting disclosure by Amber Rudd that there may be no connection between Parsons Green bomber and IS. This confirms my previous view that the tube bomb was uncharacteristically amateurish for the terror group  While we know nothing at this moment about the nature of the bomber, lone actors who …

Airbus in talks to settle fraud claims for £1 billion

The Serious Fraud Office and French prosecutors are in close discussion over the terms of a £1 billion-plus settlement for Airbus over corruption allegations. The deal, called a Deferred Prosecution Agreement (DPA), would be the largest ever in Europe, after a year-long investigation into irregular payments by Airbus to intermediaries. The …

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